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We recommend using our data hub as the primary mechanism for storing your data and processed results. Our data hub has numerous features for data management, including for ingesting, organizing, labeling, searching, sorting, visualizing, and sharing data.

We recommend using storage drives for temporary storage for high-performance computations involving multiple workstations and/or users. Drives simply provide raw file storage.

Storage drives can be used to store files and access them from multiple workstations and/or users in your organizations.

Types of storage drives

The Deep Origin OS supports multiple types of storage drives. Each type of drive is accessible from workstations as file systems. Each type of drive can be used to share files among your workstations, as well as with other users in your organizations.

More storage drive types coming soon

We plan to develop additional types of storage drives including object storage with intelligent tiering and block storage.

Use casesData processing and storageDistributed computingDistributed computing
Maximum sizeUnlimitedUp to 100 TBUp to 64 TB
Flexible capacity𐄂 (Fixed when drive created)𐄂 (Fixed when drive created)
Compression𐄂✓ (Automatic)𐄂
PerformanceMedium (except with many small files)HighHighest
Directory renamingSlowFastFast
OS accessUnlimitedUnlimitedLimited to 16 workstations
External access𐄂𐄂
PricingUtilized storageProvisioned storageProvisioned storage
Unit costModerateHighHigh
TechnologyS3 standard tierFSx with LusterEBS Multi-attach
AvailableComing soon