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Creating storage drives

To create a storage drive, sign into Deep Origin, navigate to the "Drives" module in the left sidebar, click the "+ Create" button, and complete the online form:

  • ID: Enter a identifier for your drive. The identifier must be unique within your organization. Your drive will be accessible at /share/{drive-id} within the workstations that you mount it mounted to.
  • Name: Enter a human-readable name to help you identify your drive. Names can be changed after drives are created.
  • Summary: Optionally, enter notes such as about the data that the drive will contain. Summaries can be changed after drives are created.
  • Compute cluster: Select the compute cluster where the drive should be provisioned. You can choose from Deep Origin's AWS regions, or use your own AWS account. Choose the same cluster as the workstations you wish to use the drive with. More information is available here.
  • Type: Choose the appropriate type for your use case. More information is available here.
  • Throughput: For file drives, select the desired performance for the drive. Note, throughput scales linearly with the size of the drive. For advice on picking an appropriate throughput, see the FAQs.
  • Capacity: For file and block drives, select the size of the drive. Due to limitations of the underlying cloud infrastructure, file drives are only available in certain sizes. You will be charged for the capacity that you provision.

Next, review the configuration for your drive. Finally, click the "Create drive" button to create your drive. After a few minutes, your drive will be available for use with your workstations.


Once a drive has been created, its ID, compute cluster, type, and throughput cannot be changed.

The content of a drive can be copied to a new drive with a different ID, type, or throughput. See the FAQs for more information.