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Using storage drives

Connecting a storage drive to a workstation

Connecting a storage drive to a new workstation

To mount a drive to a new workstation, select the drive in the "Mounted storage drives" section of the create workstation page. Once your workstation has started, your drive will be available in your workstation at the path /share/{drive-id}.

Connecting a storage drive to an existing workstation


Older workstations, created before November 2023, do not support mounting storage drives. Please contact customer support for assistance migrating to a new workstation.

To mount a drive to an existing workstation, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the workstations page.
  2. Identify the workstation you wish to mount the drive to.
  3. Click the actions menu for the workstation (three dots on the right side of the workstation).
  4. Click the "Edit" option. This will open a page in which you can edit the settings for the workstation.
  5. Navigate to the "Mounted storage drives" section.
  6. Select the drive you wish to mount to the workstation.
  7. Click the "Save changes" button.
  8. Confirm the changes.
  9. If your workstation is running, the workstation will be restarted. Once your workstation has restarted, your drive will be available in your workstation at the path /share/{drive-id}.

After your workstation starts, the drive will be available at /share/{drive-id}. You can access files on this drive from web applications such as JupyterLab and RStudio, the command line, or any programming language.

Checking the available space of a file or block storage drive

To check the space available on a storage drive, first mount it to a workstation. Second, within a terminal for a mounted workstation run df -h. Third, find the row which contains the ID of your drive. Within this row, the Avail and Use% columns describe the size of your drive and the percentage of the drive that is available. Once your drive is full, you will not be able to write new files to it until you delete files or increase the capacity of the drive.

Removing a storage drive from a workstation

To unmount a storage drive from a workstation, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the workstations page.
  2. Identify the workstation you wish to unmount the drive from.
  3. Click the actions menu for the workstation (three dots on the right side of the workstation).
  4. Click the "Edit" option. This will open a page in which you edit the settings for the workstation.
  5. Navigate to the "Mounted storage drives" section.
  6. Deselect the drive you wish to remove from the workstation.
  7. Click the "Save changes" button.
  8. Confirm the changes.
  9. If your workstation is running, the workstation will be restarted. Once your workstation has restarted, the drive will no longer be mounted to the workstation.