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Connecting to a workstation

You can connect to a running workstation via several interfaces. The interfaces available to a workstation are defined by its software blueprint. All software blueprints support SSH, including remote development with VS Code through SSH. In addition, most software blueprints provide web-based graphical interfaces, such as JupyterLab and RStudio. For more information, see the documentation for the software blueprint for your workstation.


Secure SHell (SSH), is a secure way to execute system commands on a remote computer. Typically, SSH is used with a terminal application, such as OpenSSH for Linux and MacOS or PuTTY for Windows.

To use SSH, follow the instructions for your operating system:

For additional help connecting to a workstation via SSH, see the SHH troubleshooting page or contact customer support.

VS Code

Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a popular interactive development environment for a variety of programming languages, including Python. VS Code has gained popularity among scientists and software engineers because it simplifies the process of using remote machines, such as workstations, to interpret, compile, and test code.

Connecting with VS Code uses a similar procedure as SSH. See the Connecting with VS Code page for detailed instructions.

VS Code Server


A VS Code Server connection to your workstation is only available if the software blueprint for your workstation supports VS Code Server.

VS Code Server is a web-based version of VS Code.

Using VS Code Server to connect to a workstation simply requires a web browser. To use VS Code Server with a workstation, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the workstations overview page.
  2. Locate the workstation that you would like to connect to.
  3. Click the workstation's "Connect" button. This will open a drop-down menu with the connection options for the workstation.
  4. Click the "VS Code Server" button in the drop-down menu. A VS Code Server connection to your workstation will be opened in a new browser tab.



A JupyterLab connection to your workstation is only available if the software blueprint for your workstation supports JupyterLab.

JupyterLab is a web-based interactive development for notebooks and code. Typically, JupyterLab is used with Python. Through plugins, JupyterLab can be used with additional languages such as Go, Java, Julia, MATLAB, Octave, Perl, R, and Scala. For more information, see the JupyterLab documentation.

Using JupyterLab to connect to a workstation simply requires a web browser. To use JupyterLab with a workstation, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the workstations overview page.
  2. Locate the workstation that you would like to connect to.
  3. Click the workstation's "Connect" button. This will open a drop-down menu with the connection options for the workstation.
  4. Click the "JupyterLab" button in the drop-down menu. A JupyterLab connection to your workstation will be opened in a new browser tab.



An RStudio connection to your workstation is only available if the software blueprint for your workstation supports RStudio Server.

RStudio is a web-based interactive development for notebooks and code. Typically, RStudio is used with R. Through plugins, RStudio can be used with several additional languages such as Go, Julia, Octave, Perl, Python, Scala, and SQL. For more information, see the RStudio documentation.

Using RStudio to connect to a workstation simply requires a web browser. To use RStudio with a workstation, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the workstations overview page.
  2. Locate the workstation that you would like to connect to.
  3. Click the workstation's "Connect" button. This will open a drop-down menu with the connection options for the workstation.
  4. Click the "RStudio" button in the drop-down menu. An RStudio connection to your workstation will be opened in a new browser tab.