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Column types

Deep Origin supports several types of basic and advanced columns.

IDUnique auto-generated alphanumeric string for each row. IDs can be used to create references between rows. IDs are permanent. They cannot be changed.
DateCaptures dates, such as when each sample was collected.
FloatCaptures decimal quantitative values, such as abundance measurements.
FileCaptures raw files such as sequence reads, microscopy images, processed results, and reports such as PDFs. Learn more.
FormulaEnables users to create columns whose values are derived from the values of other columns using constants, operators, and functions. Learn more.
IntegerCaptures integer quantitative values, such as numbers of raw sequence reads.
ReferenceCaptures relationships to rows of other databases or to other rows of the same database. Learn more.
Reference lookupRetrieves data from a referenced database via the reference column. Allows users to display information from linked records without duplicating data. The looked-up value updates automatically when the source data changes. Learn more.
SelectCaptures one or more options from a list of options. One use case is to categorize rows.
TextCaptures strings, such as names or descriptions.
URLCaptures hyperlinks. When clicked, links are opened in new tabs.
UserCaptures users. One use case is to case the individual who signed off on an experiment.
Yes/NoCapture binary values, such as "true/false" and "yes/no".
Submission statusChoose between "Draft" and "Final". Useful to indicate finalized data for analysis
Creation contextRecords the context where the database row is created
Date createdCaptures the date when each row was created. This column is automatically created and its value it automatically set. Users cannot edit these columns.
Date updatedCaptures the date when each row was last updated. This column is automatically created and its value is automatically updated. Users cannot edit these columns.
Created byCapture the user who created each row.
Edited byCapture the user who last updated each row.