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Reference lookup columns

Reference lookup columns is a powerful feature that allows you to retrieve and display data from linked databases without duplicating information. They provide a way to create dynamic, automatically updating fields that pull data from linked databases. In essence, lookup columns find corresponding rows in a linked database and display a column of the linked database.

  • Dynamic updates: Lookup columns automatically refresh when the source data changes, ensuring your information stays current.
  • Data consistency: By referencing data instead of copying it, lookup columns help you maintain data integrity across your databases.
  • Flexibility: You can lookup al types of data, including text, numbers, dates, and more.

The values of lookup columns cannot be edited directly. To edit the value of a lookup column, navigate to the linked column of the linked database.


  • Protein properties: For a protein interaction study, use a lookup column to show properties such as molecular weights and isoelectric points from a protein registry database in an experiment database.
  • Sample metadata: In a database for sequencing results, use lookup columns to display metadata about each sample (e.g., tissue type, animal age, treatment condition) from a separate sample database.
  • Inventory metadata: In a database of assays of drugs, use a lookup column to display the current stock level, expiration date, and/or storage location of the drug characterized by each assay from a separate inventory database.

Creating a reference lookup column

  1. Navigate to the database you'd like to add a reference lookup column to.
  2. Click the "+" icon to add a new column.
  3. In the window that opens, select type "Reference lookup".
  4. Select a column which captures references to another database.
  5. Select the column of the referenced database that you want to include in the database.
  6. Click the "Create column" button. The system will then automatically calculate the values of the new column.

Create column